
i thought i'd be over it.. guess not

thought today would be different, that's why I deleted the recent post...guess not. It'll always be like this huh? I'm gonna try another day and see how it goes. If that certain topic comes up randomly..i will shoot my toes so i'd rather have a different feel of pain than somewhere deep in my chest.

I'm seriously getting tired.
You make me happy f'reals!, but that little thing can bring me down way more than I can expect. But you'll never know. It's just me thinking too much, but trust me .. I notice these little things.


pppp said...

communication is key!! :(
don't keep it in, or else you'll feel worse about yourself. i don't like seeing you sad because you are one of the happiest people i know and being around you just makes me already feel all sunshine-y. :)

keep smiling girlie! <3

Michelle Hau said...

Dont wait anymore joceeeee. Especially if its bugging you this much :O