
In a way, thanks.

it pains me to say it but, finally. An experience inimaginable, so horrific, it's just .. a phase where i'm glad to be ''free''. I've actually longed for this free-feeling. Not only have I longed for it, but it was soon to be called for. I was without a doubt angry and furious. How can one be SO pathetic, that your idiotic side just overcomes you? Where are your f'reakin morals?

I'll finally "reset" and feel like it's september again. Thanks for the experience.. and "trust" will be more focused in my vocabulary.

" You don't regret, because there was one point where you did want it"
Honestly though, you'll always be special to me.


rrgrr, abs abs rrgrr, natcarlyn conguilar!

one of the most retarded phone conversations of my life. W/ natalie & carlo. LOOLLL i've never laughed for 1 hour straight. Different dialects, eminor&aminor SONG, the goodnight lullaby by natcarlyn conguilar (it should be conbadguilar!) and the lyrics kinda goes like this .. rrgrr abs abs LOL. Inside joke. forgot the rest, but twas funny ^_____^



FRIDAY: biked with Brett, Remi, Michelle, and Jillia while Taiyo ranBiked till 11:30pm :)

Group picture! @ Renfrew elem.


AW :)

SATURDAY: BEACH! with Abby, Natalie, Victoria, Gabe, Patrick, Joe, James, Carlo, Mike, Rand girl, Alyssa (happy birthday), Christian + gf, other rand girls. Afterwards, headed towards St. Mathew's so TG can perform HAWAIIAN STYLE ;) OH BABY. Left to go to Patrick's house. Took the LOOONG way, thanks Carlo the greatest GPS ever. Had to leave 10 - 15 min later cause it was getting too late. Patrick's parents drove me home. OH MAN I HEART THEM. SERIOUSLY HAHA

Patrick's mom: Do you hab a pen?
Me: No, why?
Pat's mom: So you can stab dem in da eye!
pat's dad: aiy nako ma, why did you tell her dat?
pat's mom: so she can protect herself!
~ argue argue LOOL
AW and they even took me up to the skytrain and made sure i was sitting safe and beside a girl
OH SHI, THE SILET GAME HAHAH The game i'm BAWS at! Not much slaps ^^ while CARLO AND NATALIE HAD THE WORST BRUISE EVER LOLL. www.youtube.com/concepcionjocelyn - Click on Silent game

Victoria, Natalie, Me, Abby. Cause my face is in it HAH!


ME, Vivian, and Maggie. YEEE BOI :)