
Day 1 – JOKES! Here's a survey

Haven't done this in a LONG time

1. So, what are you doing later?
iunno, the usual..smoke some joint and shiz

2. What is your favorite thing to have for dinner?
Brown rice, no lies

3. If you drink it, what do you like in your coffee?
hazelnut cream

4. Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music?
*cough*natalie*cough* - BEYYBLADDEE HAHAHA!!

5. Whose birthday did you last celebrate? What did you do?
Eltanah Chen's - missed the blowing out of cake..i meeean HAD SO MUCH FUN (lawl nojokes)

6. Who is your favorite male singer?
Brian Joo ftw (Y)

7. What kind of computer are you using?
dell netbook

8. Are you listening to your favorite song right now?

9. What is your favorite day of the week, and why?
Thursdays. Cause I get to see him

10. Why do you think people lie?
LOTS of reasons + depending on the situation

11. How often do you watch television? What do you watch?
GLEE&NHL purpose only

12. When was the last time you burned any part of your body?
I'm already hot

13. Do you hate when people invite themselves to events?
meh, don't cur - DEPENDS ACTUALLY!

14. Do you take off from school, or work for your birthday?
school NO work yeeez

15. If you attend school, what do you do on your days off?

16. What are the last three songs you listened to?

17. If you smoke, what color is your lighter?
double rainbow

18. What is missing from your wardrobe that you need to buy?
clothes i want

19. Does someone owe you over twenty dollars?
no cause i'm usually the one that owes people money -__-

20. What city, state and country do you live in?

21. Is there anything you want to say to someone?

22. Are you really pale? If so, do you mind?
Edward doesn't mind, but Jacob boy does

23. Are your nails painted? What color?

24. Do you listen to any acoustic bands, or singers?
yes <3>

25. How many arm chairs are in your house?

26. Do you have a favorite YouTuber? Who?

27. When was the last time you witnessed a sunshower?
o0o0o I don't rememberr

28. Do you think roses are an overrated way of showing love?

29. When was the last time you saw your "number three"?


30. Would you say you cry often?


i thought i'd be over it.. guess not

thought today would be different, that's why I deleted the recent post...guess not. It'll always be like this huh? I'm gonna try another day and see how it goes. If that certain topic comes up randomly..i will shoot my toes so i'd rather have a different feel of pain than somewhere deep in my chest.

I'm seriously getting tired.
You make me happy f'reals!, but that little thing can bring me down way more than I can expect. But you'll never know. It's just me thinking too much, but trust me .. I notice these little things.


Not a care in the world

Thanks but I got a little disappointed. No biggy. I guess.
I wish...i just wish ..

screw it...nvm.



Here I am trying to study for my Lab exam tomorrow for Earth science ... GRAGRRS -__- Thank goodness the pimples aren't awake yet 0_0 Aanyways BIO: this week's score on my quiz is 92% ! phew* Seriously, my punishment if I do go below 86% is to down a tube of wasabi, no jokes. okay jokes..maybe just a tsp. Hmm O! and pyschology! first test got back today another good phew*! Got a B :D keeeep going Jocelyn, this is for you damn future >:( if you fail. YOU FAIL 4 EVER, (I know how you chinese kids feel, sigh I feel sorry for you guys HAHA).Anyways mom just gave me 10 free monopoly "money" for mcdonalds...FREE 1 LARGE FRIES..per customer :( .. I CAN ALWAYS DRESS UP DIFFERENTLY LOL (only for oct. 6/7) and I got 10 of em! DZAAANG 10 FREE LARGE FRIES. OOHHHHH D;

Oh yeeez, and my road test is on Oct 22. Thanks for the notice icbc & vietnamese dood! -___-"
& more serious blogs later when i hab timee


you're the CUTEST boy alive.

I love your eyes, I love how you still have your winnie the pooh since you were young, I love how I randomly skype with you, I love how you tell me i'm beautiful everyday and I love you I REEEEALLY do! haha :$ trust me, I can write more but it'll get cheesier.

readers: Sorry I keep writing bout him ..he's just so LKAJSDFKLJ! HAHA memorrieeees! ^____^